Saturday, May 2, 2015


With Sam Evans as he finishes taking his shower on the first day of school:
I like the pairing of Quinn and Sam so in this story, Sam is her husband and Beth's father.

Sam: -Standing in his room with his sexy wife as he wraps his arms around her and kisses her slowly-
Quinn: -Rubs his chest smiling as she stands there after taking a shower with him-
Sam: -Breaks the kiss and grabs the back of her head, kissing her shoulder before turning his head to kiss her again- I love you.
Quinn: I love you too. -Kisses him smiling-
Sam: -Grabs her waist as he kisses her until he hears his daughter's cry-

Quinn: -Tries to pull away but can't because of his grip- Sam.
Sam: 2 more minutes.
Quinn: Sam, stop it. I have to get Beth.
Sam: Okay. I will go make breakfast after I get ready okay?
Quinn: Okay Mr. Evans. Actually, let me, you need to get ready for today.
Sam: -Smiles- Thanks.
Quinn: -Goes to grab her blouse and puts it on- You nervous?
Sam: Not really, I volunteered to do it one year so it will be fun.
Quinn: -Smiles- I am glad I get to work for you.
Sam: It will be fun.
Quinn: -Smiles as she leaves to go get their daughter-
Sam: -Chuckles as he grabs his jeans and starts to get dressed-

Chapter 1

After going to grab Beth:
Quinn: -Carries her into the bedroom- Who's that? Yes, it's daddy.
Beth: -Reaches out for her dad-
Sam: -Smiles as he stands up after sitting on the bed and walks over, grabbing his baby girl- Hi sweetie.
Beth: -Smiles as she grabs her dad's shirt-
Sam: -Smiles as he lays her head down and kisses her head-

One more note: If you watch the show, you will know that Beth is about 4-5 right now. I am going to back track her age 3 years to age 1 for this story.

Quinn: She sure does love her dad.
Sam: -Smiles- I love her too.
Quinn: -Smiles- So, you driving today or am I?
Sam: I can drive if you want. But right now, I need to go feed this beauty.
Quinn: I already changed her.
Sam: I can tell. -Smiles as he holds his daughter tight- See you downstairs?

Quinn: Sure.
Sam: -Smiles as he carries Beth out of the room in his arms before heading out to the kitchen-
Quinn: -Smiles as her husband leaves-

Quinn's POV: Originally, when I first gave bith to Beth, I was nervous but now, I have no doubt in my mind that I made the right choice.

Quinn: -Smiles as she goes to grab something nice for her first day back at McKinley and at work since their daughter's birth-

Chapter 2

Meanwhile down the hall at the Berry-St. James Appartment:
Jesse: -Standing in his bedroom as he finishes getting ready-
Rachel: -Comes out to see her husband looking great- Wow, you sure do want to impress.
Jesse: My students, yes. I never have to impress you.
Rachel: -Smiles as she goes to stand at her vanity which overlooks Lima near the window-
Jesse: -Finished getting ready so he decides to walk up behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her- You ready to go back?

Rachel: -Smiles as she rubs his arm- Definatively. I mean, I have my friends all helping me.
Jesse: -Smiles- Not nervous at all?
Rachel: No. This is my home. Our home.
Jesse: -Smiles- It is going to be exciting.
Rachel: I was hoping we could just pick something up on the way to school, I need to get ready for auditions and meet with my other staff.
Jesse: Do they know?
Rachel: Yes. I e-mailed and Facebooked them.
Jesse: Wow, prepared much.
Rachel: Can you just get your stuff in order? We need to get going. -Smiles as she grabs her bag and then goes to get a smoothie ready-
Jesse: -Smiles as he watches her leave before grabbing a bag so they can both leave together-

Chapter 3

Meanwhile back with Quinn & Sam:
Sam: -In the midst of starting breakfast when he hears Quinn-
Quinn: Sam, we are going to have to pick something up for breakfast okay?
Sam: Why?
Quinn: -Checking her iPhone- Rachel e-mailed us. She wants to talk about the Club since we are really re-starting as Dalton-McKinley. I already talked to the daycare at the school, they are ready for Beth.
Sam: -Smiles as he turns to look at his wife- Are you sure you are just coming back to the work force?
Quinn: -Smiles-
Sam: Uhm, I put Beth in the play pen.
Quinn: Good. -Walks over to the pen and looks at her- Man daddy picks out good clothes for her.

Sam: I only want my baby girl to look great. Yet, I still want the outfit to distract other baby boys.
Quinn: I think she is still a little young to date.
Sam: She will not be dating until she is at least in High School.
Quinn: Ya, where her dad can spy on her 24/7.
Sam: I am over protective of my girls.

Quinn: I remember. I mean, you were there for me even when they tried to kick me off the team during my pregnancy.
Sam: That will never happen again.
Quinn: -Smiles- Now, how about we get going?
Sam: -Smiles as he goes to grab his bag and then looks at Quinn- Ready?

Quinn: -Goes to grab Beth smiling, picking her up in her arms and kissing her head before going to leave with her husband-

Chapter 4

 On their way out of the appartment as Rachel & Jesse walk by:
Sam: Rachel?
Rachel: -Turns around and looks back to see Sam and Quinn- Sam, Quinn. How are you guys? -Walks over and hugs them-
Quinn: Great, ready to get back to work after birth.
Rachel: Right, how is she?
Sam: Sleeping.

Jesse: -Chuckles- Since when do you guys live here?
Sam: Since we got married about a year ago.
Rachel: Wow, I wish we would've known, we just moved in down the hall.
Jesse: -Smiles- Hey, want to grab a ride with us since we are both going to the same place?
Sam: You grabbing breakfast first?
Rachel: That's on the way.
Sam: Good because we haven't ate yet. But I think we should drive because we have a van and the baby seat.
Rachel: Right. Lead the way. -Smiles-
Sam: -Smiles as they run into their friends-

Chapter 5

On their way to Dalton-McKinley:
Sam: -Pulls into a Starbucks on the way- Hey guys, we are getting Starbucks for breakfast. Want anything?
Rachel: -Looks at Sam- Uhm, we should probably do seperate orders.
Sam: Non sense, you pay next time.
Jesse: -Holding Rachel's hand with their fingers intertwined- Works for me.
Sam: -Smiles as he pulls up- Normal Quinn?
Quinn: Yes.

Sam: -Waits for an answer-
Starbucks: Hi, welcome to Starbucks. Can I take your order please?
Sam: Yes. Can I get two #3 (Hot Chocolate, English Muffin, Sausage) as well as a Milk Carton (Beth). -Turns to look at Jesse-
Rachel: Can I get the #4 (Bacon and Sausage)?
Sam: A number 4 and a number...
Jesse: 7 (Eggs, English Muffin, Sausage, Bacon).

Starbucks: Is that it sir?
Sam: Yes.
Starbucks: $26.47 is your total.
Sam: Thank you. -Pulls up to the window to pick up their order-

Chapter 6

After picking up breakfast when they arrive at Dalton-McKinley:
Sam: -Finds a parking spot and smiles at Quinn-
Quinn: -Grabs the milk and gets out- I am going to go feed her okay, in the preschool?
Sam: See you in the glee room after?
Quinn: -Smiles as she gets out with the milk for Beth and then opens the door to grab her, leaving it open to Jesse & Rachel-

Jesse: -Undoes his seatbelt before getting out as well-
Rachel: -Follows close behind him with breakfast-
Jesse: -Smiles as he helps her out-
Sam: -Walks around the car to meet them-
Quinn: -Already on their way in-

Jesse: Hey, so are you ready for a quick meeting? I want to assign people to their positions?
Sam: Works out great.
Rachel: Might as well tell you now. We want you and Quinn to work with the New Directions.
Sam: Okay, ya but which team?

Rachel: We mean like the entire team, helping when needed. There will be other coaches for the Warblers and Troubletones, our Male and Female groups.
Jesse: We want to open up our competitive options.
Sam: Works great but me and Quinn are limited on time for now, you know that right? I mean, we have Beth.
Rachel: Understood. That is why we have practices during the day.

Sam: -Smiles- Thanks. -Follows them in to the choir room smiling so that he can start breakfast and wait for Quinn-

Chapter 7a

After dropping Beth off as Quinn comes to join the group:
Sam: -Getting a little worried since she is taking so long-
Quinn: -Walks in-
Sam: Hi. Did everything go okay? It took like 30 minutes.
Quinn: Documentation. I mean really, her parents work at the school.
Sam: -Chuckles- Good discount.
Quinn: Definatively.

Rachel: Wait, you get a discount?
Sam: All staff and students do.
Jesse: Good to know. -Smiles at Rachel- We are going to need that soon.
Sam: Congratulations guys.
Rachel: It's exciting.
Jesse: -Smiles-
Quinn: You are going to love the family part. The pregnancy, not as much.
Sam: Get ready for some early mornings Jesse.
Jesse: It's worth it.
Quinn: -Goes to grab breakfast and then starts to eat-
Sam: Uhm, how about we let Quinn eat and then we can get the Coaches' meeting started?
Rachel: We still need to wait for Blaine and Kurt.

Kurt: -Comes in with Blaine- Someone call our names?
Quinn: -Smiles at Kurt-
Blaine: -Smiles at Sam-

All Other Coaches: -Just standing around the room, talking amongst themselves-

Chapter 7b

Kurt: -Walks in smiling and goes to look at Sam- Congratulations again on the baby and welcome back Quinn.
Quinn: Glad to be back. Oh, and congratulations on the Wedding. Wish I was there.
Blaine: It was probably better to keep you resting than having to throw up there.
Quinn: -Smiles- Hey so we have a glee meeting now right?

Santana/Brittany: -Come in- Noot without us?
Quinn: -Turns around to see Santana- Hey bitches.
Santana: -Smiles as she walks over and hugs Quinn- Man, you look great.
Brittany: Definatively, you sure you had a baby.
Sam: I ask myself that everyday but then I look at my precious baby girl and then my answer is told.
Rachel: -Smiles- Listen, the romantic stuff is really sweet but we need to get ready. Auditions start today in second period and we need to get ready.
Santana: Where's Mr. Schue?

Jesse: You're looking at him. Will is now Principal so, I am in charge with Rachel now.
Will: -Comes in to see them- Just not today.
Rachel: -Hears his voice and smiles as she turns around to see the former coach-
Will: -Walks over smiling- Think I can help out just for a bit to get you guys settled in?
Rachel: But the school.
Will: Just after school.

Jesse: Of course. Now, lets get down to business.

Quick Note - Coach/Character/Actor Glee Club Assignment/Glee Club Groups

Mr. William Schuester (Mr. Schue) - Matthew Morrison - Principal and Staff Advisor
Jesse and Rachel St. James - Head Coaches of the New Directions (All Teams)
Mercedes Jones - Troubletones Coach
Blaine and Kurt Hummel-Anderson - Warblers Coaches
Quinn and Sam Evans - Troubletones Coaches
Santana Lopez and Brittany Pierce - Troubletones Coaches
Sebastian Smythe - Warblers Coach
Skylar Jefferson - Warblers Coach
Jeff Sterling -Warblers Coach

The Warblers: Alistair, Spencer Porter, Mason McCarthy, Rory Flanagan, Ryder Lynn, Myron Muskovitz and Jake Puckerman

The New Directions: Members of the Troubletones and Warblers

The Troubletones: Madison McCarthy, Marley Rose and Jane Hayward

Chapter 8

When the Coaches are done meeting:
Sam: -Stays to talk to Mr. Schue- So, what does it feel like to be Principal of the Dalton-McKinley Academy for the Performing Arts?
Will: Definately different. But Sam, I really have to get going and actually, so do all of you! We have an opening ceremony in 20 minutes.
Rachel: Right, forgot about that.
Will: I am going to introduce the entire staff as well so, be ready for a good long ceremony.

Jesse: Wow, that is going to be fun. So, do the students come here after?
Will: Yes. I have decided that to properly get the students put in the right teams, you will need to do that first. I already met with the other staff and we have decided to give the Glee Club more time to get ready since competitions begin sooner for Performing Arts schools.
Jeff (Warblers Coach): How soon?

Will: Our first competition that I have been invited to is in 6 weeks. That will give us our ranking. Basically, they changed the system for us. Now the competition is like a sports season where you get judged and those with the most points go to each stage of the competition where it is then top 3 move onto nationals. Be ready for a long year because you have a long way ahead of you.
Rachel: -Looks at Jesse nervous-
Jesse: We can do it.
Will: Now, lets get going. My boss is out there waiting.
Coaches: -Smile as they follow their boss and former staff advisor to go to the opening ceremony-

Chapter 9

Once all the Coaches, Staff, Teachers and Students have gathered in the auditorium:
Will: -Takes the stage for his first speech-
Emma: -Helping him with his tie- Just remember, you are just talking to your students. You can lead them just like you led the Glee club to 2 national championships.
Will: -Smiles as he kisses his wife softly- Wish me luck. -Goes to the podium smiling before starting his speech-

Students, Faculty, Alumni, Parents, Council Members, Mr. Mayor and Members of the Board, I welcome you today for the very first time to our Academy for the Performing Arts. And I am honoured to stand here as your first principal.

6 years ago, everything changed right here where I am standing. 6 years ago, 6 young students took the stage for the first time and became the inaugural members of the New Directions, our Glee club. And with their success came the success of this school. Trophy after trophy, this school become one of the most successful performing arts schools in the state.

But that is just the accomplishments of one of our predecessors, William McKinley Secondary School. The other school that I want to talk about is our fallen sister school, Dalton Academy. Our rivals-turned friends and teammates lost their school last year to a fire and that is I recommended that we honour their school this year as we start a new era at William McKinley. I am proud to announce that from this day forward, with Board approval, our school is to be known as Dalton-McKinley Academy for the Performing Arts.

Blaine: -Shocked but claps-

Yes Blaine, we can't forget about you. (Crowd chuckles) And now, our Glee clubs have merged to create one of the largest in the countries. No longer will be known as just the McKinley New Directions. We will be known as either the New Directions for the entire group, The Warblers of New Directions for the male group and The New Direction Troubletones for the female group. This group is one of our most famous groups and I strongly encourage everybody to join because we will make this team the largest in the county and compete nationwide and possible, if the Board approves once again, Internationally.

Will: -Keeps going for the duration of the speech-

Chapter 10

After finishing his speech:
Student: -Start leaving to go back to class-
Mr. Michael Klypher (Chairman of the Board): -Gets up and walks over to him-
Will: -Smiles as he talks to Emma-
Emma: You did fine Will.
Michael: -Walks up to him- You definately did.
Will: -Turns around- Mr. Klypher. Glad you could make it. -Shakes his hand-
Michael: I truly enjoyed your speech. And the recommendation of renaming the school is ideal. We were going to rename the school William McKinley High School for the Performing Arts but the idea of Dalton-McKinley Academy for the Performing Arts makes much more sense since you both merged to create this school.

Will: Thank you Mr. Klypher.
Michael: Since I have veto power, why don't we go to your office and I can sign some papers to send to the state, officially changing the name of the school. Plus, I have a quota with me and they agree with me that it would be a great idea.
Emma: Congratulations Will.
Will: -Smiles at his wife- Uhm, follow me to my office.
Michael: -Smiles as he follows his newest principal to the office-

Glee Coaches Meeting #1

After the speech as Blaine and Kurt head back to class:
Blaine: Wow, talk about a lineup starting.
Kurt: -Smiles- We are going to have a great glee club this year.
Blaine: -Smiles as he and Kurt walk in to see Rachel at her desk- Did you guys see the line up?
Rachel: Ya, I have just started pulling people in and telling them to warm up. We can do it as they sign up.

Kurt: But wouldn't that mean we fill it up before we can even see the last people?
Rachel: We have decided to continue with the who wants in, gets in because I believe with the number of coaches we have now. We just got 2 more.
Artie and Tina: -Sitting in her office-
Kurt: Artie, Tina. Glad to have you on board.

Artie: 2 more can help. You guys are going to need it.
Rachel: What do you guys think about having reserves. I mean, we need 12 to compete in each team but, why not keep other teams of 12 to be ready in case we have problems?
Tina: Or we can even change some of them mid-act.
Rachel: -Smiles-

Blaine: Wait, how many teams are we allowed to enter?
Rachel: I think you can enter as many clubs as you have.
Blaine: So that means we can enter 3 teams. The entire group, the Warblers and the Troubletones.
Rachel: Do you think the students would be okay with just performing with one of the groups and maybe having each club compete with each other in regionals? That way we can try and move up?

Blaine: I say it works but then, we can always move people into the other groups as we go farther to make our team bigger.
Rachel: Is that legal though?
Blaine: I have seen other teams do it for years. So, it makes sense to me.
Rachel: The problem is, which 12 get to compete with the Combined team?
Sam: I would put in the students from last year in that division, they have the experience.
Quinn: -Smiles at her husband and rubs his chest as she lays her head down-
Sam: -Wraps his arms around her- Thinking about Beth?

Quinn: Can't help but worry.
Sam: We are on break right now. Go see her. -Runs his fingers through her hair and kisses her head-
Quinn: -Smiles as she goes to see their daughter-
Sue Sylvester: -Stops her before she can leav-e Hold it up blondie. I need to talk to the club.
Rachel: -Looks out to see Sue-

The Return of Sue Sylvester

Sue: Ah yes, the baby girl you had while you were on my Cheerios. Man, you were huge, luckily I benched you. Got my nationals' championship with that.
Sam: -Walks over- Don't talk to my wife that way and especially not about our daughter that way. -Wraps his arms around Quinn-
Quinn: -Rubs his chest-
Sam: It's okay baby. Lets go see her together. -Grabs her hand and leaves-
Sue: Yes, go see your illegitimate daughter.
Sam: -Snaps and starts to go for Sue-

Will: -Looks at him and comes to restraint him- Sam, stop before you get in jail instead of being with your daughter. Think of your daughter Sam.
Sam: -Sighs and lets go- Get her off the property. -Grabs Quinn's hand and then leaves-
Quinn: -Wraps her arms around his and leaves before walking down the all a bit and stopping-
Sam: -Turns to look at her- Everything okay?

Quinn: -Grabs his jacket as she turns to look at him and gets close before leaning up and kissing her husband softly-
Sam: -Rubs her arm and leans against the locker, kissing her smiling- I love you.
Quinn: Please do not try and get that mad. I didn't like it.
Sam: Sorry. It's just I hate when she talks about Beth like that.
Quinn: Sue is always an evil bitch. But we need to overcome her especially when we are competing since she will be there.
Sam: Only at regionals.

Quinn: -Smiles- C'mon, lets go see Beth. I want to take you out for lunch to calm down.
Sam: Can we?
Quinn: I think Mr. Schue will understand.
Sam: Lets just go there first and see her.
Quin: -Smiles as she grabs his hand and then intertwines their fingers to go see Beth in the preschoool-
Sam: -Kisses her wedding ring smiling as he moves to wrap his arm around his wife-
Quinn: -Smiles on their way to the preschool-

Playschool Visit Pt. 1

After arriving at the playschool:
Sam: -Walks in with Quinn before going to the desk- Excuse me?
Mrs. Theresa Janice: -Looks up- Hello Mr. & Mrs. Evans. Already picking up Beth?
Quinn: No, just visiting. Got a little bad visit in Glee so we need to calm down?
Theresa: Want to go into the family room? We have one for teachers if they want to see their kids on Lunch or something.
Quinn: Sure.
Theresa: -Smiles as she leads them in- I think she is asleep right now.
Quinn: Okay. Can I get her?
Theresa: Sure.
Quinn: -Smiles as she goes to find their daughter-

Sam: Thanks again, this is greatly appreciated.
Theresa: No problem Mr. Evans.
Sam: Please, we are co-workers. Sam works.
Theresa: Then, Theresa.
Sam: Of course. -Smiles as he walks into the room when he hears Quinn cry- Quinn?

Quinn: -Walks in to see her daughter with a note from Sue-

Note: An illegimate daughter is all I am, I am a failure because I made mommy quit the best thing that ever happened to her, making Mrs. Sylvester, the best Cheerios Coach ever to loose her job thanks to the repugnant Glee Club. She will destroy them at Regionals, I know it!

Sam: -Comes in behind her and looks to see the note- Hey, get her ready to leave. I am calling in sick. I refuse to allow her to be near our daughter again, I will talk to Theresa. -Walks back out to see Theresa- How dare you!

Playschool Pt. 2

Theresa: What did I do Sam?
Sam: No, I am back to being a paying customer, Mr. Evans. How dare you allow another woman other than her mother be near my daughter?
Theresa: -Confused-
Sam: -Shows her the note- I found this on my daughter when I went in to see her.
Theresa: -Looks at him- Sue.
Sam: Yes, she is not to be near our daughter again, she doesn't even work at Dalton-McKinley. Understood?
Theresa: Of course sir.

Quinn: -Comes out carrying Beth-
Sam: -Looks at his wife-
Quinn: Sam, can you take hold Beth? I need to talk to someone quickly.
Sam: Quinn, don't.
Quinn: Oh yes. You want me to be strong, I will show her how a mother gets protective over her daughter. I expected so much more out of you Theresa. -Walks out of the room and goes back to the Glee room-

Sam: -Scared- Thanks again. -Walks out after his wife holding Beth in his arms-

Friday, May 1, 2015

A Mother's Revenge Part 1

When Quinn is back in the Glee Room:
Sue: William Schuester, you are officially challenged.
Quinn: -Walks in behind Sue and pushes her- That is what it feels like to be stabbed in the back bitch!
Sue: -Turns around- Excuse me?
Quinn: -Slaps her hard- You should owe me an apology.
Will: Woah, what's happening here?
Mercedes: Cat fight.

Quinn: Shut up! How dare you go near my daughter in the nursery?
Sue: I did no such th...
Quinn: -Slaps her again- Liar! I always knew you hated me. But really, you have to take it out on my daughter? -Shows her the note- And just to let you know, I am reporting you to the board so hard time seeing you at Regionals when you are going to be suspended.
Sam: -Catches up to Quinn and watches her-
Sue: Bring it on blondie.
Sam: -Looks at Mercedes- Mercedes, can you hold her for a second? -Brings Beth to her-
Mercedes: Sure Sam. -Holds her-

Sam: -Walks over to Sue- Listen here Sue, I want you out of this building and out of my sight within 2 minutes or so help me god. It is one thing to attack our daughter to our faces but to go behind our back and go see her in the nursery, now that is just betrayal. Mr. Schue, call security would you?
Will: -Does just that because he wants to solve this-

A Mother and Father's Revenge Part 2

When security arrives:
Will: Sue, just to warn you, I am getting a restraining order. I will not accept this from a former co-Staff member.
Sue: -Smirks- See you at Regionals.
Will: Since we are hosting them, I will not be seeing you.
Sam: And we will not see you againt this year because we will work hard to take you down.

Quinn: -Holding Beth close-
Sam: Security, do you mind just letting me and my wife leave first? We would like to get our daughter home safe without her following us.
Security: -Nod-
Quinn: -Looks at Sam with tears in her eyes-

Sam: -Wraps his arm around her and leads her out of the building, sad that it had to come to this-
Quinn: -Just follows her husband out of the building, mad at her former friend-

Chapter 15

When Sam & Quinn are at home:
Sam: -Standing in the kitchen making some lunch as Quinn sits on the couch while watching their daughter sleep-
Quinn: -Looks at Sam and gets up before walking over to him and cuddling up to him-
Sam: -Wraps his arms around her and then looks into her eyes- Glad to be home?
Quinn: Yes. Listen, I think maybe I need more time at home. I don't think I'm ready.
Sam: Hey, I understand. When a mother sees that on her first day back at work, it scares her. But it scares me too. -Kisses her neck softly and grabs the back of her head-
Quinn: -Grabs his neck and leans in to kiss her husband softly- After lunch, what do you say we just sit in bed, work on some Glee stuff.
Sam: You want to change your mind about some stuff?

Quinn: Yes.
Sam: -Smiles as he leans in and kisses her softly, wrapping his arms around her-
Quinn: -Kisses him smiling-
Sam: Why don't you go put something comfortable on? Put Beth in her crib and then I will come join my beautiful wife in bed where I can make her feel better?
Quinn: -Smiles as she runs her hands up is shirt- With some nice Kisses?
Sam: A whole lot of them.
Quinn: -Smiles as she lays her head down-
Sam: -Kisses her head softly- See you soon.
Quinn: -Takes off his shirt first-
Sam: -Chuckles-
Quinn: -Takes it with her to the bedroom-
Sam: -Smiles as he finishes making them some lunch so he can go join his wife in bed-

Comfort and Love

When lunch is ready as Sam comes to bed:
Quinn: -Finishes putting Beth in her crib as she wears a sports bra and tight athletic shorts-
Sam: -Smiles as he sets the food down and then walks over to his beautiful wife, grabbing her waist- Man I have such a beautiful wife. -Whispers in her ear smiling- Feeling better yet?
Quinn: -Lays her head back and rubs his arm-
Sam: -Moves his arms around her and leans down to kiss her softly-
Quinn: -Turns around and puts her hand on his chest, kissing him slowly-
Sam: -Picks her up in his ams and wraps her legs around his waist before moving back towards the bed and moving to lay her down- Today I am going to make you feel so loved and so relaxed. -Kisses her again-
Quinn: -Rubs his neck as she kisses her husband and high school boyfriend- I love you Sam.
Sam: I love you too Quinn. -Smiles as he opens the covers and lays her down to get in bed with her-

Quinn: -Smiles as she moves close to him and grabs his neck, kissing him slowly as she slips her legs in between his-
Sam: -Rubs her arm as he kisses his wife slowly- Want to eat lunch and then we can continue with this sexy thing we got going?
Quinn: Yes. -Smiles as she kisses her husband softly-
Sam: -Rubs her arm as he kisses her slowly in their bed before letting her go so that they can eat lunch--

Chapter 17

Meanwhile back at Dalton-McKinley:
Glee Staff: -Eating in their office as they prepare for their afternoon classes-
Jesse: You know, I really feel back for Sam and Quinn.
Rachel: Me too. I mean, they didn't deserve that. I mean, their daughter is so innocent. I just hope that Sam is holding her and giving her comfort after all that pain.
Mercedes: If I know my ex, he is probably back in bed with her.

Jesse: Wait, you dated?
Mercedes: For like 1 month before he got back together with Quinn and then they have been together ever since.
Rachel: -Smiles- I am happy you are still friends though.
Mercedes: Really, we didn't date, we just hung out a lot more than normal.
Rachel: So you were friends with benefits for a while.
Mercedes: Definatively but when he found out he got her pregnant then I knew he wold go back and that really brought them back together. I think they broke up because he thought someone else was the father.

Rachel: -Smiles- Hey so what are we doing this afternoon. I want to co-ordinate.
Mercedes: I say we really just do introductions. It may just be day 1 but I have a group of students for dance. Might do the basics.
Rachel: -Smiles as they each tell each other what they have planned for that afternoon, getting ready as they eat-

Chapter 18a

After Lunch when Rachel arrives at her next class:
Rachel: -Filling in for Sam & Quinn as she walks in-
Students: -Sitting in their chairs when they see Rachel-
Rachel: Good afternoon students.
Marley: Good afternoon Rachel. Uhm, where are Mr. & Mrs. Evans?
Rachel: Uhm, they had a family emergency so I am going to be filling in for today. Luckily today is just the first day. So, we can basically just start with what your role will be in the club. Your group will be singing mostly women's songs because you represent the future of Female dominance in the music industry. And luckily for you, today your teacher is a broadway alumni.

Brittany: You mean one of your coaches. -Walks in with Santana- Sorry we are late students.
Rachel: Sorry, forgot.
Santana: Wow, talk about the same ego as before, you are not stealing my thunder here Rachel, this is my class.
Mercedes: Definatively not.
Rachel: -Looks at her- We're you on Broadway, I think not! Or NYADA?
Mercedes: I was!

Santana: Oh, you challenging me?
Brittany: Stop! Please.
Jane Hayward: Why are you fighting, we are a team.
Santana: -Backs off- Right.
Rachel: How about today we ask the returning glee members from last year to perform so, how about we ask them to perform?
Mercedes: Works for me. Jane and Madison? Take us away?
Madison and Jane: -Get up smiling-

Really Don't Care - Madison and Jane

When they start performing:
Madison: You wanna play, you wanna stay, you wanna have it all

Jane: You started messing with my head until I hit a wall
Madison: Maybe I should've known,
Jane: maybe I should've known

Madison: That you would walk, you would walk out the door,

Jane and Madison: Hey!

Madison: Said we were done, then met someone and rubbed it in my face
Jane: Cut to the part, she broke your heart, and then she ran away
Madison: I guess you should've known, I guess you should've known
Jane: That I would talk
Madison: I would talk

Jane: But even if the stars and moon collide
Madison: I never want you back into my life so, ou can take your words and all your lies
Jane: All your lies.
Madison: Oh oh oh I really don't care
Jane/Madison: Even if the stars and moon collide. I never want you back into my life.

Madison: So, You can take your words and all your lies. Oh oh oh I really don't care
Jane/Madison: Oh oh oh I really don't care

Jane: I can't believe I ever stayed up writing songs about you. You don't deserve to know the way I used to think about you,
Madison: Oh no not anymore, oh no not anymore

Jane: You had your shot, (Madison: had your shot) but you let go. Now if we meet out on the street I won't be running scared.I'll walk right up to you and put one finger in the air. And make you understand, and make you understand. You had your chance, had your chance

Madison: But even if the stars and moon collide
Jane: I never want you back into my life
Madison: So, you can take your words and all your lies
Jane/Madison: Oh oh oh I really don't care! So, even if the stars and moon collide. I never want you back into my life
Jane: You can take your words and all your lies. Oh oh oh I really don't care
Madison: Oh oh oh I really don't care

Yeah, listen up
Hey, hey, never look back,
Dumb struck boy, ego intact
Look boy, why you so mad
Second guessin', but should've hit that

Hey Demi, you picked the wrong lover
Should've picked that one, he's cuter than the other
I just wanna laugh, cause you're tryna be a hipster
Kick him to the curb, take a Polaroid picture

Jane: But even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life
Madison: You can take your words and all your lies, Oh oh oh I really don't care
Jane: Even if the stars and moon collide, I never want you back into my life

Madison and Jane:
You can take your words and all your lies
Oh oh oh I really don't care
Oh oh oh I really don't care!!!!

Chapter 18c

After over hearing their performance:
Jesse: -Comes in during the middle of their performance and listens smiling-
Rachel: -Doesn't see him as she leans against the piano-
Girls: I really don't care.
Jane: -Smiles at her teachers when she is done-
Jesse: Good job girls!
Rachel: -Hears him walk up behind her and smiles-
Jesse: -Stands behind her and wraps his arms around her-
Rachel: -Smiles and rubs his arm- Hey.
Jesse: -Smiles as he leans down and kises her head-

Rachel: Why aren't you with the other club?
Jesse: I am rotating.
Rachel: I thought Mercedes  needed help.
Jesse: She has Santana and Brittany.
Rachel: Okay.
Jesse: -Smiles as he holds her in his arms-
Rachel: -Leans back smiling-
Jesse: -Smiles as he stands there, happy to help his wife if she needs it-

Chapter 19

Meanwhile with Kurt & Blaine and the Warblers:
Blaine: 1, 2 3. 1, 2, 3.
Warblers: -Practicing the dance to the music-
Kurt: -Smiles as he watches them-
Ryder: -Trips over his feet and falls-
Jacob: Watch it bud! -Gets hit by him-
Ryder: Sorry, I fell.

Jake: Ya, fell for my girl.
Ryder: -Looks at her- Ya after you slept with another girl!
Jake (Puckerman): -Turns around and pushes him-
Blaine: Hey, hey, stop it! -Walks over and seperates them- Jake, other side of the room please.
Jake: -Sighs as he walks away-

Kurt: What was all that about?
Ryder: Marley, my girlfriend and his ex. He wants her back.
Blaine: -Sighs- Want me to talk to him?
Ryder: It won't work. He doesn't care.
Blaine: -Looks at Jake- I will work with him on vocals okay?
Kurt: Good.

Ryder: -Smiles-
Blaine: -Walks away- Jake, vocals. Now.
Kurt: And everybody take 20. Go for a walk Ryder okay? Just relax and be back in 20 minutes ready to do the number again.
Ryder: Thanks Kurt.
Kurt: No prblem.
Ryder: -Sighs as he goes to walk off the stage, deciding to go watch Marley for a bit-

Blaine: -Walks back over to Kurt- You let him take a walk?
Kurt: Yes. Blaine, we can't have this stupid tension.
Blaine: Hey, it will work out. I promise.
Kurt: Okay. -Smiles as he looks at his husband, hoping her is right, not just for their sake but for the sake of the entire club-

Chapter 20

While on a walk as Ryder stumbles upon the Troubletones' practice:
Marley: -In the middle of singing "A Thousand Years"-
Ryder: -Walks up to the door and smiles as he listens to his girlfriend sing, starting to sing along-
Marley: -Turns her head and sees hm smiling-
Rachel: -Sees Ryder- One minute Marley. Ryder, can I help you?
Ryder: I am just on a walk. There are some tensions in the club between me and Jake.
Marley: -Sighs as she looks at him-
Rachel: It seems that you know the song pretty well.
Ryder: Ya, we practice it all the time.

Rachel: -Looks at Santana-
Santana: I know what you are thinking Rachel and this is Troubletones practice.
Rachel: We also need to know who we can put together on the combined squad so how about we let them perform?
Santana: -Sighs- I guess you are right. Ryder, get ready to perform.
Ryder: -Smiles at his girlfriend as he walks over to sing with her-

A Thousand Years Performance

The day we met,
Frozen I held my breath
Right from the start
I knew that I'd found a home for my heart
Beats fast.
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone?
All of my doubt
Suddenly goes away somehow

Marley & Ryder:
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

Time stands still
Beauty in all she is

Marley & Ryder:
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

I'll love you for a thousand more

One step closer
One step closer

I have died every day waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

I will love you a thousand years

Chapter 22

At the end of their performance:
Ryder: -Has his hand on Marley's neck as he holds her close- I will love you for a thousand years. -Smiles-
Marley: -Grabs his hand and stands close before kissing him softly- I love you.
Ryder: I love you too.
Marley: -Smiles as she kisses her boyfriend softly and turns to look at her coaches- Sorry.

Rachel: Sometimes you get caught up in the moment, I understand. Trust me, I do it all the time.
Jesse: -Smiles at her as he sits in the crowd-
Blaine: -Comes into the class looking for Ryder- There you are.
Ryder: -Turns to see his coach-
Blaine: We said 20 minutes. Not half an hour.
Ryder: Sorry sir. Stumbled upon my girlfriend performing a song we duet together at home so I asked to sing it with her.

Rachel: They are a good pairing for competition. It was a good chance to see it Blaine. Relax.
Bell: -Goes off to signal the end of the day-
Blaine: Ryder, you owe me time.
Ryder: I will make it up tomorrow.
Blaine: Good. Lunch detention. -Smiles as he walks out-
Jesse: -Smiles as he gets up and walks up to go see Rachel, rubbing her arms before grabbing her hands- We better get ready to go. Sam and Quinn might want to go soon because of their daughter. -Intertwines their fingers and leans down to kiss her softly-
Rachel: -Smiles- Okay.
Jesse: -Kisses her head softly- I will get our bags.
Rachel: -Smiles- Actually, we need to get a ride. I heard they left early.
Jesse: Okay. I will call around.
Rachel: -Smiles-

Chapter 23

Meanwhile at home as Sam sits in his daughter's room:
Beth: -Sitting on his lap, playing with his wedding band-
Sam: -On the ground with her on his lap- No baby, not daddy's wedding band. -Kisses her head-
Quinn: -Walks in wearing some jeans and a shirt again- Don't worry, she can play with it. I made sure of it.
Sam: How?

Quinn: The ring has 2 rings attached. 1 is stable and the other one which has the design on it spins. It is like a stress ring.
Sam: -Looks at his ring and rubs it smiling- Such a smart mama.
Quinn: Uhm, Rachel and Jesse rode with us today if you recall so, I am going to pick them up.
Sam: Okay. Call them because if I know Rachel, she will try and get another ride. I will stay here if that is okay.
Quinn: Okay.
Sam: Hey, how about tonight when she is in bed me and you go into the hot tub on the patio and we just relax together?
Quinn: What about Beth?
Sam: Baby monitor.
Quinn: It''s a date.

Sam: -Smiles at his wife as he plays with their daughter-
Quinn: -Smiles and walks away to go pick up Jesse and Rachel-
Sam: Want to go make mamma some supper?
Beth: -Just plays with her toys-
Sam: -Smiles as he picks his daughter up in his arms and then carries her out to go make some supper for his wife knowing it will take her at least 2 hours to get back-

Chapter 24

2 Hours Later when Quinn is home:
Sam: On the couch in the living room, waiting for her in his swim trunks-
Quinn: -Comes inside after parking the car to see candlelights-
Sam: -Smiles when he hears her and gets up before turning to look at his wife-
Quinn: -Smiles as she walks in- Wow.
Sam: -Smiles at her- Hi beautiful.
Quinn: -Walks over smiling and gets close to her husband-
Sam: -Wraps his arms around her and then grabs her waist as he leans down to kiss her- Hi.
Quinn: What's all this and where is Beth?
Sam: She is with my parents tonight and for part of the day tomorrow.
Quinn: -Confused-
Sam: Mom isn't working, save on daycare.

Quinn: -Smiles-
Sam: And that means tonight, I get to give my wife a romantic night in the middle of the week.
Quinn: On the first day of school. Man, you really want me to feel better.  -Rubs his chest and kisses him softly-
Sam: Unfortunately we can't sleep in because we have school tomorrow.
Quinn: But no early meeting or Beth so we can sleep in a bit.
Sam: -Smiles as he kisses her again- You still want to go into the pool tonight?
Quinn: -Smiles as she grabs his neck and kisses him softly- I am not going in the pool tonight, I am getting in bed with my husband as he makes me feel better.
Sam: How about you get upstairs and I will bring everything up so that we can have our romantic evening up there?
Quinn: Yes. -Smiles as she kisses him softly- Let me grab the food. See you soon. -Smiles as she goes to grab the tray of food-
Sam: -Smiles and blows out the candles before picking them all up so he can take them upstairs, locking the door as well-

Chapter 25

After picking everything up:
Sam: -Walks into the room to see Quinn in bed, laying down in her lingerie-
Quinn: -Smiles at her husband-
Sam: -Goes to her dresser and lights the candles, keeping one there before carrying one to his dreser and side table-
Quinn: -Smiles-
Sam: -Puts the last one on her side table and then shuts off her lamp, opening the covers-
Quinn: What are you doing?

Sam: -Slips into bed behind her and rubs her arm before whispering in her ear- I am getting in bed to hold my beautiful wife clse-
Quinn: -Reaches back and grabs his neck before turning her head and kissing her husband softly- I love you.
Sam: -Leans down and kisses her shoulder- How about we get eating and then after we can get to the fun part where I get to be very sexy with my wife. -Whispers in her ear and then kisses her neck and shoulder-
Quinn: I love you.
Sam: I love you too and I want to make you feel much better than earlier today.
Quinn: -Smiles as she grabs some food and starts to eat-
Sam: -Smiles as he rubs her arm and sits up-
Quinn: -Sits up too, slipping onto his lap before eating some more-
Sam: -Grabs some food and eats-
Quinn: -Lays her head back and eats smiling-
Sam: -Smiles as they eat together, being very romantic on their night alone-

Chapter 26

After eating supper together as Sam holds Quinn close:
Quinn: -Lays down in his arms as she grabs his neck-
Sam: -Tugs the covers up and rubs her arm- I think this is the real first night that we have ever done this since Beth's birth.
Quinn: -Smiles as she runs a hand down his chest and slips her legs in between his-
Sam: -Looks down at her as she lays her head down on his arm before turning his head and kissing her softly, grabbing her waist-
Quinn: -Grabs her husband's neck and kisses him smiling as they lay down in bed together-
Sam: -Moves his hand to her arm and rubs it as he tugs her against his chest before rolling over on top of her and putting his arm down beside his beautiful wife-
Quinn: -Kisses him slowly as he lays down in his arms- I missed this so much.
Sam: -Smiles as he leans down and kisses her again, rubbing her arm softly- Me too. -Wraps his leg around hers and then grabs her hand-
Quinn: -Moves her hand down his chest and lays her head down-
Sam: -Kisses her head softly-
Quinn: -Grabs his neck again and turns it before kissing her husband slowly- I love you Sam.
Sam: -Rubs her arm as he kisses his wife softly- I love you too Quinn, forever.
Quinn: -Smiles as she cuddles up to her husband and lays her head down-
Sam: -Brings the covers up and wraps his legs around hers before rubbing her arm-
Quinn: -Smiles as she looks up at him-
Sam: -Wraps his arm around her tight and looks down at her, kissing her softly-
Quinn: -Grabs his neck and kisses him smiling before laying her head down again and just cuddling up to him that night in bed-
Sam: -Happy that they are alone, enjoying the feeling of his beautiful wife's hand on his sking while they lay down close to one another in bed-

Chapter 27

After a good hour alone when the doorbell rings:
Sam: -In the midst of kissing Quinn slowly when he hears the door-
Quinn: -Grabs his neck as she kisses him smiling-
Sam: -Rubs her arm and pulls away- I have to go get the door.
Quinn: Sam....
Sam: I will be fast. -Rubs her arm and kisses her softly-
Quinn: Okay.
Sam: -Smiles as he gets up and then exits their room to go get the door-

Meanwhile at the door:
Rachel: -Standing at the door with the Minutes of the Glee Meeting-
Sam: -Walks over, not caring that he is shirtless as he opens the door to see Rachel-
Rachel: Woah.
Sam: Sorry Rachel. Uhm, just making Quinn feel better. What's up?
Rachel: Here are the minutes from the meeting you missed.

Sam: Thanks. -Grabs the envelope-
Rachel: You going to be in tomorrow?
Sam: I will call you in the morning okay?
Rachel: Okay. Feel better okay guys?
Sam: Yes. We will. -Smiles at her before closing the door and heading back to the bedroom-

Chapter 28

When Sam comes back to bed:
Quinn: -Sitting up in bed, waiting for her husband- Who was it?
Sam: Rachel, she came to give us the Glee Club Meeting Minutes.
Quinn: Surprised to see my shirtless husband I bet.
Sam: -Smiles- Yes, your shirtless husband. -Gives he the note and then opens the covers- Can I get in with you in my arms again?
Quinn: -Smiles-

Sam: -Moves to get in bed with her and then tugs her into his arms as he sloutches it bed-
Quinn: -Smiles as she slips her legs in between his and lays her head down on his shoulder-
Sam: -Looks down at her and closes the covers-
Quinn: -Smiles as she grabs his neck and kisses him softly-
Sam: -Grabs her head and runs his fingers through her hair- I love you.
Quinn: I love you too. -Kisses him gently and then lays her head down-
Sam: -Grabs the envelope and then opens it to get the minutes of the meeting-
Quinn: -Sits up a little more, slipping up his chest, reading it-
Sam: -Looks at Quinn- Seems like we missed a nice performance of a thousand years. The amount of time our love will go one.
Quinn: -Chcuckles as she kisses his neck- You definatively made me feel better tonight Mr. Evans.
Sam: Please, Sam here. Mr. Evans is so formal when right now we are very unformal and sexual. -Moves his hand to her arm and rubs it lightly as he leans down and kisses her softly- I love you.
Quinn: I love you too. -Kisses her husband smiling as they relax that afternoon, alone in bed without their daughter after a dramatic day-

Chapter 29

Meanwhile down the hall as Rachel comes into appartment:
Jesse: -Finished getting changed as he comes out of the bedroom in some jeans and a sweat shirt-
Rachel: -Turns around and looks at her husband- Wow, you trying to impress me Mr. St. James?
Jesse: -Chuckles as he goes to grab a pot-
Rachel: What is with getting changed so fast? Bad day or something?

Jesse: Stressful first day. Especially since I heard that Vocal Adrenaline is under the advisory of that bitch Sue Sylvester.
Rachel: -Sighs- Jesse, I know it is going to be hard competing against them but...
Jesse: I understand, it isn't my concern now.
Rachel: Look at me Jesse. -Walks over to her husband and grabs his neck before looking into hs eyes-
Jesse: -Wraps his armsa round her-
Rachel: -Smiles as she leans in and kisses her husband softly- Great director, great husband and great co-coach where you belong.
Jesse: You mean with the New Directions?
Rachel: Don't you want to be at Dalton-McKinley?
Jesse: Yes, of course I do but it's just...Sue.
Rachel: You don't like that Sue took over Vocal Adrenaline, your team.
Jesse: Former team for god dammit!
Rachel: -Backs up scared and looks at him-
Jesse: Oh, sorry. Maybe I am mad.
Rachel: Listen, go sit down got it? I will bring some supper over and maybe we can watch a movie or something to calm down.
Jesse: -Sighs- Okay. -Goes off to their room to relax-
Rachel: Hold on. -Grabs his neck again and kisses him softly- I love you.
Jesse: I love you too. -Kisses his wife smiling before heading off to bed-
Rachel: -Smiles as she watches him leave before getting some food ready for that night-

Chapter 30

Back with Sam & Quinn:
Sam: -Sits down in bed after a nice kiss with Quinn, turning the tv on-
Quinn: Can you put it on CBS? My show is on.
Sam: -Smiles as he puts it on and then kisses her head softly- As long as I get the pleasure of your wonderful presence and kisses.
Quinn: -Smiles as she grabs his neck and turns his head to kiss him-
Sam: -Moves down in bed, laying down as he tugs her close-
Quinn: -Grabs her husband's neck as she kisses him smiling, slipping her legs in between his-
Sam:- Wraps his arm around her and breaks the kiss-
Quinn: -Rolls over and then looks at the tv to watch her show-
Sam: -Holds her tight and rubs her leg-
Quinn: -Smiles- You know, this really is peaceful. Just me and you in bed no disturbances. Just peace and quiet.
Sam: -Leans down and whispers in her ear- It can be like this everynight if we put Beth down to bed early enough.
Quinn: -Smiles as she kisses him to him, grabbing his hand before intertwining their fingers-
Sam: -Smiles as he wraps his legs around hers-
Quinn: -Feels his large presence there and smiles as she and Sam hold each other close in bed, watching tv together-

Chapter 31

A couple hours later when Sam finally notices Quinn has fallen asleep in his arms:
Sam: -Sitting up in bed, watching SportsCenter when he feels her head drop-
Quinn: -Sitting in his arms with her hand on his neck as she sleeps in hs arms-
Sam: -Looks down and notices she is asleep so he grabs the remote and turns the tv off before slipping down in bed-
Quinn: -Wakes up as he moves-
Sam: -Tugs her close in his arms and rubs her arm- Go back to sleep honey, it's late.
Quinn: -Smiles as she cuddles up to him and grabs his neck before turning her head to kiss him- I love you.
Sam: I love you too baby. -Kisses his wife softly as he moves to shut off the lights with the switch next to their bed before laying back down-
Quinn: -Moves back into his arms and then turns his head to kiss him softly-
Sam: -Rubs his wife's arm as he kisses her slowly that night- Not too long,
Quinn: -Smiles as she kisses her husband slowly before eventually falling asleep in his arms-
Sam: -Wraps his arm around her and keeps her close in his arms before falling asleep as well-

Chapter 32

The Next Morning as Sam wakes up:
Sam: -Finishes talking to Mr. Schue as he keeps a towel around his waist after his shower- Thanks again Mr. Schue. The day off will really help. I think what we need is just a day to ourselves to be with our daughter.

Phone Convo:
Will: After the drama with Sue yesterday, I don't blame you.
Emma: It is good psychologically as well.
Sam: -Chuckles- Thanks Mrs. Phillsbury.
Will: Sam, can you please start showing us equality? We are teachers at the same school, same level. Please, Will.
Sam: Okay, let me at least get used to it first.
Will: Good becaue it is just common workplace etiquite to address your equals as such.
Sam: Okay. Thanks again Will. Wish the Glee club a good day. -Smiles as he hangs up-

Quinn: -Comes out in her robe- What was that all about Sam?
Sam: -Turns to look at her- I called in sick for us. I want to make sure you are okay after yesterday.
Quinn: -Smiles as she walks over to her husband rubs his chest- Normally, I would say do you want to take a shower but today, I say me and you take a bath since we are staying home today.
Sam: -Grabs her neck smiling and leans down to kiss her- I already took a shower but I would love to take a bath with my wife too to wash her and make her feel all brand new.
Quinn: -Smiles as she grabs her husband's hand and then leads him to the master ensuite-
Sam: -Chuckles as he follows his wife- Wait, hold on a second.
Quinn: -Turns around- What?
Sam: -Reaches into her robe and undoes her bra before taking off her underwear too-
Quinn: -Smiles as she rubs his chest-
Sam: -Carries her lingerie smiling as he grabs her hand and takes her to the hot tub on the deck smirking-

Chapter 33a

When Sam & Quinn are at the hot tub:
Quinn: -Just wearing her robe as she stands next to the hot tub before turning to look at her husband- I don't think this is a bath.
Sam: -Gets close to her smiling and grabs her neck before leaning down to kiss her softly, kissing her neck as well- It is our bath today.
Quinn: -Smiles- Why must I be so spoiled?
Sam: -Smiles as he grabs her hand and holds it- Because I love my wife and I want what's best for her and our family.
Quinn: -Smiles- I am ready to get in so can I?
Sam: Let me get in first because you are probably just going to sit on my lap. -Smiles as he goes to the control pannel and turns it on, grabbing the secret soap bar he has there too-
Quinn: What's that?
Sam: Soap. -Turns to look at her smiling and then puts it on the side of the hot tub before putting his hands beside her and standing close- Can you take off my towel?
Quinn: -Smiles as she grabs his neck and kisses her husband softly- One mnute. -Kisses him slowly-
Sam: -Undoes her robe as he stands there and grabs her waist- You ready for a day alone?
Quinn: You mean morning? I want Beth back this afternoon.
Sam: Okay, I will make that call after. -Smiles as he looks at her-
Quinn: -Finally undoes his towel smiling-
Sam: -Goes to get in the hot tub smirking right afterwards- Sit on the edge in your robe okay?
Quinn: -Smiles and does as she is told-

Chapter 33b

When Quinn is sitting on the edge:
Sam: -Gets close to his beautiful wife and grabs her robe, helping her take it off-
Quinn: Why so romantic?
Sam: We never get a real chance to do all this. Plus, can't a husband be romantic with his beautiful wife?
Quinn: -Smiles-
Sam: -Grabs her waist and then picks her up, bringing her into the hot tub with him. He then tugs her against his chest, wrapping her legs around his-
Quinn: -Wraps her arms around his head and kisses her husband softly- I really don't care if I get pregnant anymore okay Sam? I love my husband and if he wants me then I want him.
Sam: Not yet. -Rubs her back and then goes to sit down on the bed, laying back before looking at her-
Quinn: -Lays down on his chest and rubs it before leaning down and kissing him softly-
Sam: -Rubs her back as he kisses his wife slowly before grabbing some soap and starting to wash her-
Quinn: -Smiles as she grabs some soap too and washes her loving husband that morning in their hot tub-

Note to Readers

Hey guys, I know that the story of this title would normally just mean that it is about the school and their clubs but I have also decided to get a little sexual with some of the married couples as they deal with the stress of married life and how school affects it. Thanks!

Chapter 34

Meanwhile down the Hall with the St. James:
Jesse: -Standing in the kitchen making breakfast for him and Rachel-
Rachel: -Comes down in a tight dress when she sees her husband just wearing a dress shirt- No suit today?
Jesse: -Turns around to look at her- No, I see other staff in casual stuff so I thought, hey.
Rachel: You look nice. -Smiles as she rubs his chest and kisses him- What's for breakfast?

Jesse: Pancakes. Oh, and I got a text from Sam. He and Quinn are taking the day off so it is just us. -Rubs her arm-
Rachel: Okay. -Smiles- Anythng I can help with?
Jesse: -Grabs her hand and kisses it before turning his head and wrapping his arm around her to lean down and kisses her- Right now, you can give your husband a nice kiss.
Rachel: Gladly. -Smiles as she grabs his neck and kisses him softly-
Jesse; -Smiles as he grabs her butt and kisses her slowly-
Rachel: -Runs her hand down his chest smiling- I love you.
Jesse: -Kisses her head smiling- I love you too.
Rachel: -Smiles- I am going to go watch some TV okay?
Jesse: -Smiles as he looks at her and lets her go-
Rachel: -Walks away and goes to the living room-

Chapter 35

When Breakfast is ready as Jesse walks over:
Entertainment News: Seems like Rachel Berry's career has taken a turn for the worse. Rumors are swirling that she has returned to coach her former Glee Club at Dalton-McKinley Academy for the Performing Arts. With her, comes her husband and fellow Broadway actor, Jesse. St. James. Does this mean the end of their career is coming?
Jesse: -Moves to sit down beside his wife and sets the food down before wrapping his arm around-
Rachel: -Sighs as she sees that news report-
Jesse: -Grabs her hand and intertwines their fingers- I am going to call our manager okay? Tell them to release a statement.
Rachel: No. It's the truth Jesse. When I told Mr. Schue that I was coming back, I meant forever. This is home remember?
Jesse: -Smiles as he leans down and kisses her neck- Forever.
Rachel: No statement okay? This is reality. I am now a teacher and the leader of a successful Glee Club.

Chapter 36

Meanwhile accross town as Will listens to the news:
Will: -Making some breakfast when he hears news on Rachel and Jesse- Great. More publicity for the glee club.
TV: Does this mean the end of their career?
Will: -Turns around and looks at the TV- Talk about bad publicity for the school. Shit!

Emma: -Comes downstairs with Daniel- Will, calm down.
Will: -Shuts off the TV- Sorry, just got mad at the news.
Emma: What is it this time.
Will: -Smiles as he gets close and kisses her good morning- Bad publicity for school.

Emma: What?
Will: It's about Rachel and Jesse.
Emma: Yes, they are the new Coaches.
Will: The media put a twist in the story though. They said that their careers went south so that is why they came back to help. Not because they wanted to.

Emma: You will fix it and I am sure they are already taking care of it.
Will: -Sighs when he hears his work phone (calls from his office are forwarded to it automatically)- Hello, William Scuester.
Reporter: Mr. Schuester, James from the Lima Times, can you please comment on the news..
Will: -Hangs up- This ends now. -Sighs as he walks away, calling Rachel-

Will-Rachel-Jesse Phone Call

After calling Rachel & Jesse when Will gets through:
Jesse: -Picks up the phone and puts it on speaker- You are on speaker Will. -Smiles as he sits on the couch with Rachel, cuddled up to her as they eat breakfast-
Will: Are you guys watching the news right now?
Jesse: Yes, we heard. I already called our agent who is going to put out a statement.

Will: Always thinking ahead.
Rachel: Definatively.
Jesse: I told them this exactly. I told them to tell the press that we have decided to take time to ourselves because we want to enjoy the beginning of our marriage as well as help out with our old school which has just reopened as a Musical Arts School. We then said that we wanted to take the opportunity to teach there because we wanted to teach the future generation of Broadway.
Will: Thanks, that helps a lot.
Jesse: -Grabs Rachel's hand and intertwines their fingers-
Rachel: Just saving your job Mr. Schue. -Chuckles-
Will: Good. Wait, I just see the news now. Good.

Jesse: Do you need us to come in early?
Will: No. But I need you to cover for Quinn & Sam today.
Rachel: Why?
Will: I told them to take the day off after what happened yesterday. I want them to be able to not worry about that again. Plus, I have a meeting with the daycare today so, I want them to take care of the changes we might input today.
Jesse: Okay, we will work with the guys we have.
Rachel: -Smiles- See you later Mr. Schue.

Will: Take care. -Hangs up-

Chapter 38

After hanging up with Will:
Jesse: -Rubs Rachel's leg and leans down to kiss her- There goes our plan to stay here a little longer. We better get going since Sam & Quinn aren't going to be there today.
Rachel: Yes.
Jesse: -Smiles as he takes off the blanket- You driving?
Rachel: Uhm, sure.
Jesse: -Grabs the keys from his pocket and throws them to her- Catch.
Rachel: -Catches them smiling- I have my own.
Jesse: Not for the Range Rover.

Rachel: Really? Your truck? Then you drive.
Jesse: -Smiles as he grabs his keys- What, I like my truck.
Rachel: And I like my bug.
Jesse: -Smiles as he wraps his arm around her and kisses her head- Lets just get going. -Smiles as he leads her out to go downstairs to the parking lot-

Chapter 39

While they are leaving:
Rachel and Jesse: -Walk by Quinn and Sam's appartment to see Sam-
Rachel: Hey Sam. -Looks at him-
Sam: -Sees them and grabs his towel- Oh, sorry guys.
Rachel: It's okay. Have a good day off.
Sam: How do you know?

Jesse: Mr. Schue called us in earlier.
Sam: Okay. Well tell him thanks for us okay?
Rachel: Sure thing. -Smiles as she and Jesse walk off to school-
Sam: -Smiles as he closes the door and then walks in to see Quinn in the kitchen, just wearing her robe-

Quin: They okay with us staying here?
Sam: -Walks over to her smiling and puts the mail on the counter before reaching underneath her robe, picking her up in his arms before kissing her-
Quinn: -Wraps her arms around his head as she kisses her husband slowly, grabbing it- I love you.
Sam: I love you too. -Smiles as he kisses his wife slowly, carrying her towards the bedroom- Want breakfast now or later?
Quinn: Right now, I want to get dressed. Then we can have breakfast.
Sam: Okay. -Smiles as he takes her into their room to get ready-