Saturday, May 2, 2015

Chapter 4

 On their way out of the appartment as Rachel & Jesse walk by:
Sam: Rachel?
Rachel: -Turns around and looks back to see Sam and Quinn- Sam, Quinn. How are you guys? -Walks over and hugs them-
Quinn: Great, ready to get back to work after birth.
Rachel: Right, how is she?
Sam: Sleeping.

Jesse: -Chuckles- Since when do you guys live here?
Sam: Since we got married about a year ago.
Rachel: Wow, I wish we would've known, we just moved in down the hall.
Jesse: -Smiles- Hey, want to grab a ride with us since we are both going to the same place?
Sam: You grabbing breakfast first?
Rachel: That's on the way.
Sam: Good because we haven't ate yet. But I think we should drive because we have a van and the baby seat.
Rachel: Right. Lead the way. -Smiles-
Sam: -Smiles as they run into their friends-

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