Friday, May 1, 2015

Chapter 18a

After Lunch when Rachel arrives at her next class:
Rachel: -Filling in for Sam & Quinn as she walks in-
Students: -Sitting in their chairs when they see Rachel-
Rachel: Good afternoon students.
Marley: Good afternoon Rachel. Uhm, where are Mr. & Mrs. Evans?
Rachel: Uhm, they had a family emergency so I am going to be filling in for today. Luckily today is just the first day. So, we can basically just start with what your role will be in the club. Your group will be singing mostly women's songs because you represent the future of Female dominance in the music industry. And luckily for you, today your teacher is a broadway alumni.

Brittany: You mean one of your coaches. -Walks in with Santana- Sorry we are late students.
Rachel: Sorry, forgot.
Santana: Wow, talk about the same ego as before, you are not stealing my thunder here Rachel, this is my class.
Mercedes: Definatively not.
Rachel: -Looks at her- We're you on Broadway, I think not! Or NYADA?
Mercedes: I was!

Santana: Oh, you challenging me?
Brittany: Stop! Please.
Jane Hayward: Why are you fighting, we are a team.
Santana: -Backs off- Right.
Rachel: How about today we ask the returning glee members from last year to perform so, how about we ask them to perform?
Mercedes: Works for me. Jane and Madison? Take us away?
Madison and Jane: -Get up smiling-

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