Friday, May 1, 2015

Chapter 44a

When Sam & his mom are in the kitchen:
Sam: -Turns to look at his mom after starting her tea-
Mary: Okay Sam, spill.. What is the real reason for the day off?
Sam: It is a long story. But okay. Well, it started yesterday on the first day.
Mary: Yes, that is why I am curious why you took a day off on the second day of school. Not a good way to impress your boss.

Sam: I know my boss pretty well. He was my Glee teacher.
Mary: Oh right, Mr. Schuester. Okay, but what does that have to do with it?
Sam: Uhm, yesterday we had a security breach int he preschool where Beth goes.
Mary: Oh my. That is nerve racking.
Sam: That is just half of it. Try having a teacher from our Rival school come in and look at your daughter as she takes a nap.

Mary: Oh my god, is she okay?
Sam: Yes. But that teacher is not okay. I am calling the board.
Mary: Who was it?
Sam: Sue Sylvester, former cheerleading coach.
Mary: Wow, wasn't Quinn a former cheerleader?
Sam: She just hates the Glee club but I can't stand letting my daughter be there if they can let just anybody in the nursery.

Mary: Now I definatively understand.
Sam: Oh and that is just the half of it. The woman had the nerve to write a note and put it on her head on a post it note. Man, I wanted to punch her so hard but not there.
Mary: What did it say?
Sam: I can't even think of it but she is definatively getting fired. Called the board and complained right away.

Mary: Wow, that is just bad. Listen, I am starting to calm down on working and I really just do shifts. If you want, I can take her home with me and watch her everyday. Just drop her off. Saves you money and the worry to know she is safe.
Sam: It's just, some nights we are late because of Glee and we really just want to come home.
Mary: Listen, I will watch her here then.
Sam: You would really do that?
Mary: Sam, you are already doing so much and I am proud of you. You and Quinn are working so hard and you are young parents. I had 3 kids. Let me take care of her during the day.
Sam: What about Stacey and Stevie?
Mary: I can deal with them at the same time. Heck, they are mostly in their rooms now.
Sam: I would have to talk to Quinn first but that works. Wait, what about during your shifts?
Mary: Your dad can take care of her then.
Sam: Okay. Let me just ask Quinn first.
Quinn: -Walks over- Ask me what?

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