Friday, May 1, 2015

Chapter 42

Once they arrive at Locker #1182:
Kurt: -Tears up as they walk up to the locker- Whenever I walk by this Locker, it brings me to tears.
Blaine: -Sighs as he holds his hand and rubs it-
Dave: Makes sense, so who uses this locker?
Kurt: The Glee Students use these lockers in this hallway. This one is reserved for me and Rachel remember?

Dave: Right, you said that.
Kurt: -Opens it-
Blaine: May I just add that I use it too.
Kurt: Right, sorry.
Blaine: It's okay, sensitive subject.

Kurt: -Looks in- Everyday we come in here and look at the book we have in here. We write down things that happen a few years ago along with the year. Like today would be the day he joined the Glee Club in 2009.
Dave: -Looks at it-
Kurt: Many dates are written in here. Heck, some events are just those that happen. People think that just because it is in this locker he can read it in heaven. Like weddings, engagements and births. See, I wrote in here me, Blaine, Santana and Brittany's anniversary.
Blaine: -Looks at it and smiles-

Dave: And then there is a few journals I see?
Kurt: Oh, this is for everybody. People can come when they think of him and just write a prayer or notes. When it fills up, we put it in the Glee Room near the drums. I think we have 3 books so far. And in there, there is 1 reserved for former members of the Glee Club.
Dave: Wow, a lot of stuff has changed since I last came here.
Blaine: Sadly, no more athletics really Dave. Mostly music and arts now.
Dave: Really?
Blaine: Special designation means resources need to be spent elsewhere.
Kurt: -Looks at him- So, you want to go see the Glee room? I kinda need to get going before I cry more.
Dave: Sure. -Smiles-
Blaine: -Rubs his back and smiles as he leads him away to the Glee room-

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